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at G pay

Digital payments made easy-to-use, simple, and convenient.

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at G pay is a new method of payment that allows users to make purchases in market at G (an in-app online shopping mall), utilize public transportation, such as buses, subways, and taxis, and can be used at any credit or debit card affiliate (with the exception of the Hyundai department store).

at G mileage are points that can be used in market at G (at G pay's own online shopping mall) and in offline retail stores that use our NFC app terminal device. Users can gift at G mileage to each other and can accumulate referral rewards. The at G mileage points will eventually be used for electric car charging stations and public mobility transportation systems (work-in-progress).

  • Gift at G mileage

  • Shop at market at G

  • NFC app terminal payment

  • Any purchase, including public transportation (when linked with the at G card).

  • Real-time location tracking


at G pay card

  • Public transportation payment

  • Offline purchases

  • Online purchases (work-in-progress)

  • Electric/hydrogen car charging stations (in-development)


In collaboration with the leading domestic bank in South Korea, GSLand is now issuing its own prepaid at G pay card. After charging the at G card with at G mileage, users can make offline purchases anywhere in the country, including at NFC terminals on public transportation, as the card has a transportation payment function built into it.

​GSLand seeks to create a fintech solution, utilizing NFC payment and authentication technology, by providing the best transportation card in South Korea. The at G card offers the same standard of security as IC credit cards, thus can be used anywhere that accepts credit or debit card payments (the only exception being the Hyundai department store), which includes public buses, subways, taxis, etc. All transactions and balances can be checked through the at G pay application's easy-to-use interface.

How to use at G pay 

at G mileage conversion

Once purchased, at G mileage is deposited into the user's at G pay account.

Customer Center (Normal Business Hours): 
Mon-Fri: 09:00~12:00 - 13:30~18:00

(Lunch Hours 12:00-13:30)

Sat-Sun: Closed


Gifting at G mileage

Users can gift at G mileage to other users through the at G pay application.


Shopping at market at G

Users can purchase products or services on market at G and accumulate at G mileage in the form of referral rewards.

How to charge at G mileage
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1. Press the "charge at G mileage" icon in the middle of the app's home screen.

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4. Confirm once more that the depositor's name and charge amount are correct, and press the "OK" button.


2. Make sure the depositor's name is correct before entering the charge amount. Press the "Charge" button.

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5. Copy the GSLand corporate account number and open your banking app.

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3. After requesting to charge at G mileage, you must confirm the purchase within 10 minutes.


6. Transfer the charge amount to the GSLand corporate account that you copied previously from the at G pay app. 

Make sure to enter the name + the last 4 digits of the phone number that was used to create the at G pay app.

How to gift at G mileage
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1. Press the "gift at G mileage" icon in the middle of the app's home screen.


2. Enter the ID of the user whom you would like to gift and the amount. Press the "gift at G mileage" button.


3. You can check the at G mileage transaction history by pressing "at G mileage records."

How to shop at market at G
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1. Press the market at G icon at the bottom of the app's home screen.


2. Enjoy browsing and shopping at market at G. You can get back to at G pay by pressing the at G pay icon at the bottom-middle of the screen.

at G pay card registration and charging

In order to use your at G card, you must first register it.

How to register the at G card
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1. Open the at G pay app.

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2. Press the “+” button in the middle of the app screen.

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3. Enter the card number/CVC/expiration date and press the “registration” button.

How to charge the at G card
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1. Press the “card charging” button in the middle of the app screen.

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2. Choose the card that you would like to charge and enter the amount to charge. Press the “charge” button.

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3. You may check the card balance by pressing the card icon.

​(주) 지에스랜드     |     업자 등록번호 : 231-81-11769     |      ​자 : 김유신

© GSLand Corp. All rights reserved.

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